Our service desk team are available from 07:00 until 18:00 Monday to Friday, with ticket requests being logged by phone, email or on our portal. To further extend our support service we have a 24/7 telephone line available for all customers, allowing high impact issues to be resolved outside of our core operational hours at no additional charge. Our service is available to the whole school, not just technical staff, but teachers and support staff as well. We also have hybrid options for us act as an overflow and / or escalation for internal IT support teams for individual schools and
multi academy trusts.

It is rare for a well-maintained system to experience a failure, but if it does, we understand that the impact can be catastrophic. This why we offer an exceptionally fast response as part of our service when responding to an outage, ranging from remote support to onsite engineers working to protect your systems.

Whether you are an infant, junior or primary school that requires regular onsite support, a secondary school that requires full time onsite support or a multi academy trust that requires surge capacity to assist internal IT support teams, or a full managed service we have a solution for you.
Our employees are well trained, friendly and approachable, we believe in continuity and that having a familiar face is important in the building of a relationship, so we provide the same engineer for scheduled visits where possible.
For issues that are not emergencies, but can also not wait until your next scheduled visit we have our OnDemand Service. A truly flexible solution to those high impact issues where we will send an engineer to site outside of your normal scheduled visit at no additional cost.
Our engineers also carry a range of stock items meaning that issues are resolved quickly without the need to wait for replacement parts to be delivered.

We understand the importance of a successful inspection, such as Ofsted, and will work alongside your team to ensure that your IT doesn’t let you down. We will remain onsite for the length of the inspection to provide you with the support you need.

To ensure you have access to an up to date, cost effective solution that meets your needs, our experienced team will review your technology periodically to ensure it is fit for purpose. We believe that forward planning is key to a successful system and essential for embedding digital transformation, cyber security and sustainability for all stakeholders into school life. This is why a key part of our service helps you to develop a strategic vision for your school, or should you be a multi academy trust for all schools and at trust level.

A fundamental part of our service is how we monitor and patch your systems. To ensure they are fully functioning we continually monitor its status and health. Alerts will immediately warn us of issues for example with backups, disk space and performance meaning we can take the appropriate action and reduce downtime and any disruption to your critical systems.
Patching has become more important in recent years to prevent issues, secure systems and improve performance which is why where possible we install security updates at the point of release and automatically.

We have the unique experience of only working in the education sector meaning our team has the experience and contacts to ensure you get best value from any IT purchase. Our team will happily obtain a quote for a project or individual purchase on your behalf. This extends to software licensing, structured cabling, AV installation, managed wireless and computer replacement. License and warranty management is provided free as part of our procurement service.

Performance of your IT service is shown through a single monthly report. We have found that schools appreciate the accountability of reporting as well as the opportunity to plan future IT improvements and replacements. We also hold regular review meetings with your assigned account manager to answer any questions and assist in planning your on-going strategy.

Working in collaboration with the school, we will formulate a bespoke Cyber Incident Response Plan, covering RPA Insurance requirements, that can be put into action should the school suffer forms of cyber-attacks. Schools will receive a printed and bound copy of the plan to be kept with other key documentation on the school site.

Helping to ensure that you get the most value out of the devices and technology that staff and pupils have access to within your setting, included within your managed service package we offer bespoke, curriculum-focused, training and consultancies across 3 key areas: the Computing curriculum, the use of technology in an impactful cross-curricular manor and online safety & safeguarding. We also lead Computing Subject Leader network sessions for all schools, and technology-assisted learning forums for multi-academy trusts.

Wanting to enrich the curriculum, but unable to afford the latest technology to excite your students in emerging concepts such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). We are able to offer short term loans of various technologies! Take your students on virtual trips to places like museums, underwater, and outer space through our Redbox VR headsets. Bring 3D Computer Aided Design to life through the loan of 3D printers and adventure into collaborative coding for STEM with our Kai’s Clan class set.